Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Lead Robot Software Engineer
  • Data Science Engineer
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Embedded Software Engineer
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Web Developer

For individuals who

Are problem solvers interested in engineering focused on designing, building and improving computer systems used in every day life.

Looking for

An advanced engineering degree focused on the research, development and implementation of electronic and computer systems. 

To become

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Computer Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Design Qualification Engineer
  • Application Engineer

Research Facilities and Equipment

The department is housed in a modern, well-equipped building. Graduate students have access to laboratories, instrument rooms, and computer services ranging from the university computer system to departmental computers. Research facilities include cardiovascular engineering lab, computer architecture lab, digital systems lab, EMI shield room, power and power electronics lab, signal processing and systems lab, and printed circuit lab.

" class="hidden">天津体育学院运动与文化艺术学院